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设施管理 Building
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

Associate Vice President for 设施管理
罗彻斯特 Michigan 48309-4401
(248) 370-2160


设施管理 Building
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

Associate Vice President for 设施管理
罗彻斯特 Michigan 48309-4401
(248) 370-2160



韦德体育app官网致力于成为首选校园,可持续发展是这一举措的核心部分. 可持续发展的一个关键因素是回收-我们很高兴推出OU回收活动. OU使用单流回收,这简化了校园内的收集过程. 大学的回收工作确保进入废物流的物品最终将被用来制造其他产品出售,并减少使用额外的自然资源的需要. 


Green Buildings and Sustainable 设计

2013年秋季学期,韦德体育app官网的第一个绿色建筑项目开幕, the geothermal/solar thermal Human Health Science Building. The HHB is Oakland's first geothermal heat pump installation, 它包括一个创新的干燥剂冷却系统,由美国最大的太阳能热能系统之一提供动力.S. 该建筑使用了一种较新的技术,可变制冷剂流量热泵. 这些热泵使用变速压缩机和服务于多个制冷剂区域每单位. 公开大学获得了2美元的奖励.75M U.S. 能源部拨款来资助这个创新的绿色建筑概念.

University Energy Usage and Cost

看看过去十年来西校区公用事业的历史使用情况和成本. About $380 is spent each year per Full Year Equivalent Student (FY2010 data). 这相当于全日制学生学费的4%(基于两个学期15学时)。.


Policy 300 Air Conditioning and Heating explicitly states that non-OU personal electric heaters are 禁止 在校园. Electric heaters cover up HVAC issues, create fire hazards and consume SIGNIFICANT amounts of electricity. 然而, 一个创新, 如果您所在地区的暖通空调无法提供适当的加热,将提供受控加热器. 请致电2381与工作控制中心联系,报告问题或要求加热器, 或者提交在线请求.

Campus 可持续性 Efforts

Sustaining Our Planet Earth (SOPE)

设施及场地小组, including Director of Facility Services, Douglas LaLone and Assistant Director for Residential Facilities, 凯文·麦克杜格尔, partnered with Sustaining Our Planet Earth (SOPE) and OU student Mustafa Baig, to put on a Campus Clean Up event!

SOPE是一项由大学住房领导的可持续发展倡议,旨在使我们的校园社区更具可持续性, educate students and staff on sustainable practices, and enact sustainable plans and change for our University.

这次校园清扫活动允许在校园里捡垃圾, 靠近我们的住宅空间, 上面的田地. 学生和教职员工都加入了SOPE,努力为我们的校园负责, 解决垃圾处理不当的问题,让我们的大学在学年结束时像我们发现的那样美丽.


Additional Campus 可持续性 Efforts:


Recycling news and information:



Tips for a Sustainable Summer

随着天气变暖,我们中的许多人都很兴奋地享受户外活动,享受阳光. 但重要的是要记住,我们在这个季节所做的事情可能会对环境产生重大影响. 我们可以通过深思熟虑的决定和采用可持续的习惯,确保我们的夏季活动不仅有趣,而且对环境负责. Here are some pointers for being more environmentally friendly this summer:

节约用水: Water use tends to climb as temperatures rise. 减少 your water consumption by taking shorter showers, shutting off the water while you brush your teeth, and watering plants with a watering can rather than a hose. Gather rainfall and use it to hydrate your plants.

Choose Sustainable Transportation: When organizing summertime excursions, 给自行车, 走, or public transportation serious consideration. To cut down on carbon emissions, carpool with friends or family if you’re going to the beach or a local park.

Pick eco-friendly picnic supplies: Summertime is synonymous with picnics and outdoor gatherings. Use reusable or biodegradable plates, 杯, and silverware in place of single-use plastic alternatives. Bring a reusable water bottle along with your snacks so you can keep hydrated.

拥抱可持续烧烤: 夏天是烧烤的理想季节,但传统的木炭烧烤会散发出危险的烟雾. 考虑买一个更清洁、更节能的烤架,比如电动的或丙烷的. Use natural gas substitutes or charcoal that has been harvested sustainably.

减少食物浪费: Fresh fruits and vegetables are frequently in abundance during the summer. Use the farmers’ markets in your area or cultivate your own food. 为了减少食物浪费,请仔细计划你的膳食,并将你产生的任何有机废物堆肥.

保护泳滩及海洋: If you’re going to the beach, please consider its preservation. Avoid leaving trash behind and pick up after yourself. 为了保护你的皮肤而不危及海洋生物,使用对珊瑚礁安全的防晒霜. 你可以考虑参加海洋保护组织的志愿者活动,或者清理当地的海滩.

提高能源效率: 随着白天变长、变热,人们往往更频繁地使用空调. To avoid the need for excessive cooling, set your thermostat to a moderate setting, utilize energy-efficient fans, and close your blinds or curtains during the hottest times of the day.

这些简单的建议可以帮助你度过一个可持续的夏天,同时尽可能少地留下环境足迹. 请记住,可持续发展是一种生活方式,每一小步都是迈向更可持续、更合乎道德的未来. Let’s make this summer a time for fun and environmental awareness!

来源:    http://green.org/2023/07/06/tips-for-a-sustainable-summer/

可持续发展工作小组要求每个公开大学的员工和教职员工在这个月至少选择一个可持续的地球日实践来尝试. If you do, we’d love to see it! Send photos of your sustainable practice to (电子邮件保护).



Stormwater is the rainfall or snowmelt that flows over our yards, 街道, 停车场, 和建筑物,要么进入雨水排水系统,要么直接流入湖泊或溪流.


雨水渠是你在路边、街道和停车场看到的开口. 它们带走雨水和融雪,并将其通过系统输送到附近的湖泊和溪流. 进入排水沟的水和其他碎片不会进入处理设施.


A sanitary sewer takes household water and waste from t石油ets, 水槽和淋浴, and transports it to a wastewater treatment facility. There, the water is treated and then discharged back to a lake or stream.

How does stormwater get polluted?

As stormwater flows over our lawns and driveways, 它吸收肥料, 石油, 化学物质, 剪草, 垃圾, 宠物浪费, and anything else in its path. The storm drain system then transports these pollutants, 现在在水里, 到当地的湖泊和溪流. Anything that goes into a storm drain eventually ends up in a lake or stream.

在密歇根州,社区正聚集在一起,以流域为基础解决雨水管理问题. In the Clinton River watershed, seven subwatershed planning groups have formed: Upper Clinton, 克林顿的主要, 石头/油漆, 北支行, 红色跑, 克林顿河东, 和湖街. 克莱尔直接排水系统.

雨水污染已成为克林顿河及其支流水质和生境损害的主要来源. 国家污染物排放消除系统二期工程, 《韦德体育app官网》的一部分, 横跨流域的40多个地方和县政府以及许多其他公共实体必须达到联邦和州的标准,以减少其管辖范围内的雨水污染.

每个小组都制定了一个路线图,通过在次流域的基础上合作来满足其雨水许可证的要求, sharing data and information and creating joint planning documents.

韦德体育app官网 is located inside the 克林顿的主要 subwatershed.

关于韦德体育app官网雨水管理项目的更多信息可以在 Office of Environmental 健康与安全 网站.